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Veloforte® has partnered with TerraCycle so you can recycle your Veloforte® empty individual food packaging, pouches and wrappers for free. Request a free shipping envelope with a prepaid shipping label, send in your waste, and we’ll recycle it.
1. Request a free envelope using the order form below. (It will ship via UPS within two weeks.)
2. Once you receive your envelope, remove the prepaid return label from inside the envelope and put it on the outside, covering your address.
3. Begin to fill the envelope with Veloforte® empty individual food packaging, pouches and wrappers.
4. Once you’ve filled up your envelope, seal it and send it send it by dropping it off at your local Royal Mail postbox.
Have a question? Visit the TerraCycle Help Centre for more information and answers to our frequently asked questions.
Participating in this programme is easy! See answers to frequently asked questions here. Can’t find the answer to your question on this page? Visit our Help Centre.
Participating in this programme is easy. To request your prepaid envelope, simply follow the steps below:
1. Request a free envelope using the order form below. (It will ship via UPS within two weeks.)
2. Once you receive your envelope, remove the prepaid return label from inside the envelope and put it on the outside, covering your address.
3. Begin to fill the envelope with Veloforte® empty individual food packaging, pouches and wrappers.
4. Put your envelope in the post and send it to TerraCycle® for recycling.
Waste that is accepted in envelope return:
Veloforte® empty individual food packaging, pouches and wrappers
Waste that is NOT accepted in envelope return:
Other brands of individual food packaging, pouches and wrappers
Once collected, the supplement packaging is cleaned and separated by material type. The materials are recycled into raw formats that manufacturers use to make new products.
Click here to take a virtual tour of our processing facilities.
We would advise you to wait until you have enough Veloforte® empty individual food packaging, pouches and wrappers to fill an envelope.
Once collected, the waste is broken down and separated by material. Plastics are cleaned and pelleted to be recycled into new products, such as picnic tables and park benches. Metal materials are sent for smelting and conversion to new alloys.
Click here to take a virtual tour of our processing facilities.