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Once a sufficient amount of Eco Caps are collected, they are sent to an industrial composting facitility. At the facility, they are industrially composted and turned into a useful, nutrient rich soil which will then be used for farmland areas.
Click here to take a virtual tour of our processing facilities.
Lavazza’s story like all stories, is made up of emotions, obstacles and pivotal changes and it all began when Luigi Lavazza opened the first Lavazza store in via San Tommaso, Turin in 1895. The history of Lavazza is that of a business which, for over 120 years, has pursued a company vision based on passion for quality and excellence of our products. We have always paid careful attention to the economic, human, environmental and cultural heritage of the countries in which we operate. These values have been ingrained in Lavazza’s DNA since its foundation and upheld by four generations of entrepreneurs. In line with our value system, Lavazza is proud to introduce a UK wide composting solution in partnership with TerraCycle to support consumers in composting their coffee capsules in the easiest way. To learn more about Lavazza, click here.