Schneiders® Lunchmate® Collection Craze

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY to enter or win. Open only to schools in the Schneiders®​ Lunchmate® Recycling Program. Voting starts April 1, 2017 at 9 a.m. ET and ends May 31, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Schneiders®​ Lunchmate®​ is excited to partner with TerraCycle to bring you the opportunity to win up to 100,000 TerraCycle bonus points for your school! To win, your school must earn the most Lunchmate®​ Credits by the end of the promotion.

Click here to learn the official rules.

Official results

Thank you all for your participation in this contest, and for diverting Schneiders Lunchmate lunch kits from landfills. Congratulations for our Top 10 winners!

  1. Persalvic School - 8026 credits
  2. Stephenville Primary - 4614 credits
  3.  Ecole Jean - Paul II - 2475 credits
  4. St Anthony School Port Hope - 2167 credits
  5. Gore Hill Public School - 1509 credits
  6. Saint John Paul II School - 1342 credits
  7. École Jacques-Buteux - 1197 credits
  8. John Sweeney School - 1134 credits
  9. Southwold P.S. - 1128 credits
  10. Bellview School - 968 credits


Photo Sweepstake Winner

Goodfellow Public School