On this page you can vote for your nominated school to help them earn additional Garden Points in the Colgate Community Garden Challenge.
For the chance to win one of seven (7) recycled community garden sets, as well as monthly prize packs of upcyled toothbrush pens, Australian pre-, primary, intermediate, special and secondary schools are invited to recycle oral care waste and earn online votes in the Colgate Community Garden Challenge. The more Garden Points, the more chances of winning!
1 unit of oral care waste = 10 Garden Points
1 online vote = 1 Garden Point
Entries close 02 October 2020. Find out more information about the Colgate Community Garden Challenge here.
For full terms & information on how to enter & win prizes, please head to www.terracycle.com/colgategarden-au
We're thrilled to announce the winners of this year's competition!
...and congratulations to our four lucky draw winners!
Thanks to everyone who has participated in this years Colgate Community Garden Challenge. Don't forget, you can continue to recycle your oral care waste all year long. We'll be back next year with a new challenge!
The leaderboard will be updated soon, please check back later.