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Our team of Design Junkies have created an impressive array of DIY projects to make with your unwanted packaging. They’ve also scoured the web to find inspiring and engaging projects to complement their own creations.
Looking to put your waste to good use and start your own upcycling projects? Your favorite TerraCycle Design Junkies are here to show you how you can reuse your materials right at home. We’ve created simple step-by-step instructions along with fun video tutorials to walk you through these easy projects. Pick your favorite and get ready to give your garbage another go!
Want more do-it-yourself upcycling projects? Check out TerraCycle's new book, Make Garbage Great, which is loaded with more than 20 projects and a variety of lifestyle tips for improving our environmental impact. If that's not enough DIY for you, nearly 100 additional projects can be found in ReMake It!, written by our very own Chief Design Junkie, Tiffany Threadgould.
Please feel free to feature any of these projects on your blog or publication, just add the credited link to www.terracycle.com.
You can look eco-chic by upcycling your trash into these one-of-a-kind accessories.
Show off your eco-style with these unique, upcycled bags and wallets that you can make yourself.
Design creative, eco-friendly collection materials for you make the collection process at your location even more environmentally-friendly.
Decorate your home and garden with these unique DIY projects. From an herb garden to a toothbrush holder, it's easy and fun to make your household eco-friendly.
Decorate your office with unique DIY projects. Check back often for inspiring projects from our team of designers.
Celebrate the seasons with these festive DIY projects. Decorate your gifts or create holiday-themed projects to share with your friends and family.