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Bristol Motor Speedway, Keep Tennessee Beautiful Partner on Cigarette Litter Prevention and Recycling

Bristol Motor Speedway (BMS) has joined Keep America Beautiful® and Keep Tennessee Beautiful in a cigarette litter prevention campaign to launch during race weekend, Sept. 19-21. KAB and KTnB will provide 60 guest-facing cigarette butt receptacles to be installed throughout the BMS complex. The butts will then be collected and shipped free to TerraCycle for recycling.

Waste360 · sept. 19, 2024

TerraCycle and GoMacro expand recycling partnership for food wrappers

Recycling company TerraCycle has doubled down on its partnership with plant-based protein and nutrition bar company GoMacro to offer consumers in Canada a free way to recycle the brand’s packaging.

Yahoo! Finance · juil. 11, 2024

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