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This promotion ended September 21, 2019. However, you can still recycle car seats and all of your baby gear with TerraCycle.
You can recycle all brands of baby gear with the Baby Gear Zero Waste Box or Pallet, or the Bedroom Separation Zero Waste Box or Pallet.
TerraCycle® and Walmart present our biggest car seat recycling program ever!
Starting September 16, 2019 recycle the car seat your kiddo's outgrown at a Walmart Supercenter to receive a $30 Walmart gift card.
From September 16 until September 21, 2019 bring your car seat to a Walmart Supercenter to receive a $30 Walmart gift card to use in-store and online for your baby’s next car seat.
Participating is simple:
Please note:
*Walmart $30 gift card offer with car seat trade-in valid September 16, 2019 through September 21, 2019 at participating Walmart retail store locations. Not available at Walmart Neighborhood Market locations. Limit of 2 gift cards per household. Booster seats not eligible for trade-in. Please see customer service desk for assistance with all car seat trade-ins. Gift cards subject to terms and conditions found at: https://help.walmart.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/57/~/gift-card-terms-and-conditions.