API Docs


Many people participate in waste collection. This statistics functionality provides three key numbers to show the volume of their total/combined collection efforts.

Get statistics

Get top-level statistics on collected waste.

Scope: public; this endpoint does not require a logged in user: you can use OAuth2.0 Client Credentials Flow as described in our Getting Started Guide


GET https://api.terracycle.com/en-US/v2/stats?access_token=...access_token...

Request parameter

parameter|description ---|--- accesstoken|the `accesstoken` acquired through OAuth


$ curl -G \ --data 'access_token=acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce' \ https://api.terracycle.com/en-US/v2/stats


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Language: en-US

{ "stats": { "people_collecting": 35413526, "waste_collected": 2494276733, "money_raised": 5491180.61, "money_raised_formatted": "$5,491,180.61" } }

field name|description ---|--- stats|top-level container for the statistics peoplecollecting|estimated total number of people participating in waste collection wastecollected|estimated total waste units collected by all participants moneyraised|estimated total amount of money raised for charitable purposes through waste collection - formatted as a computer-readable number with fractional point money_raised_formatted|this is the same number as `moneyraised` above, but formatted for humans using the currency symbol and formatting conventions of the country

Get per city statistics

Get statistics on collected waste per city.

Scope: public


GET http://api.terracycle.com/en-US/v2/stats/city?access_token=...access_token...

Request parameters

parameter|description ---|--- accesstoken|the `accesstokenacquired through OAuth brigade\_ids<br>_optional_|only show statistics of shipments sent in for these brigades (collection programs)<br>format is comma-separated list of IDs, e.g.:1,3,7 on\_or\_after<br>_optional_|only show statistics of shipments checked-in __on or after__ the specified date<br>format is an [ISO8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) date, e.g.:2013-09-21. Without the timezone set, the country's one is used (e.g. US/Pacific for the US, ask if unsure). before<br>_optional_|only show statistics of shipments checked-in __before__ the specified date<br>format is an [ISO8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) date, e.g.:2013-09-21`. Without the timezone set, the country's one is used (e.g. US/Pacific for the US, ask if unsure).


$ curl -G \ --data 'access_token=acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce55acce' \ https://api.terracycle.com/en-US/v2/stats/city



HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Language: en-US

{ "city_stats": [ { "units_collected": 5000000, "shipments_count": 200, "locality": "Miami", "region": "FL", "country_iso": "US" }, { "units_collected": 3244, "shipments_count": 100, "locality": "Des Moines", "region": "IA", "country_iso": "US" } ] }

field name|description ---|--- citystats|top-level container for the statistics unitscollected|estimated total waste units collected by all participants in that city shipmentscount|number of shipments received from that city locality|name of city/town/settlement region|commonly used name or postal abbreviation/code for region within country (e.g. the two-letter codes for the states in the USA and provinces in Canada, etc.); present but null if the country does not use this countryiso|ISO 3166-1 code of the country

Invalid on_or_after date

When the on_or_after parameter is not an ISO8601 format date, e.g.: 2013-09-21

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Language: en-US

{ "error": "invalid-date", "message": "on_or_after is not a valid iso8601 date" }

Invalid before date

When the before parameter is not in ISO8601 format date, e.g.: 2013-09-21

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Language: en-US

{ "error": "invalid-date", "message": "before is not a valid iso8601 date" }