TerraCycle in the news

The latest newspaper and magazine articles, blogs, and social content can be found below.

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News articles

Andrea Chalupa: Garbage Moguls: God Bless the Eco-Capitalists

The BP oil spill has nothing on the hundreds of miles of garbage floating in the Atlantic Ocean <http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2010/0820/Huge-Atlantic-garbage-patch-still-holds-mysteries> , and its bigger sibling, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_Garbage_Patch> , a plastic-soup in the Pacific Ocean estimated to span … Continue Reading

Garden Wind Mill · Aug 21, 2010

Cheetos bags, diapers remade into trash cans

The company that turned Cheetos bags into MP3 speakers <http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-10382623-1.html>  is now transforming Chester Cheetah into 32-gallon garbage cans. New Jersey-based recycling company TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  is teaming up with Pioneer Plastics USA <http://www.pioneerplasticsusa.com/>  to make heavy-duty trash cans out of … Continue Reading

Gadget Reviews · Aug 21, 2010

New Green Product Reality Series Premieres on National Geographic

If you are looking for something fun to watch tonight, check out the first episode of Garbage Moguls, a reality show that challenges the eco-moguls at TerraCycle, Inc. to turn trash into treasure. Tonight’s challenge is for the Terracycle employees … Continue Reading

My essentia · Aug 21, 2010

Garbage Moguls

Peace Love Planet · Aug 21, 2010

Garbage Mogul Green

Our Daily Green Life · Aug 21, 2010

BlogMania Sponsor Spotlight: TerraCycle

The Girls a Mom · Aug 21, 2010

Top Picks

Worcester Telegram · Aug 21, 2010

Tonight’s TV Hot List: Saturday, Aug. 21, 2010

TalentAndProduction.com · Aug 21, 2010