TerraCycle in der Presse

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Congratulations to TerraCycle Drink Pouch Brigrade Progam they have save 50 million pouches from being put in landfills and contributed a MILLION dollars to schools and non-profits!! The Capri Sun beverage brand was one of the earliest supporters of TerraCycle, … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Mt Memphis Mommy · Sep 27, 2010

TERRACYCLE $1 Million Drink Pouches

Have you heard of TERRACYCLE? If not you need to check them out. They take trash and Terracycle it into really cool items TerraCycle runs national programs called Brigades, each of which is for a specific waste stream (like the … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Lucky Rosie’s · Sep 27, 2010

Helping Shrewsbury Go GREEN! The Dumpster Divers “your eco-friendly trash team”

Jackie Fashjian became very passionate about spreading awareness to future generations on this very serious environmental issue.  She began working with a company called Terracycle.  Terracycle creates new products from non-recyclable trash that would otherwise end up in the landfills. … Lies den ganzen Artikel

The Shrewsbury Lantern · Sep 25, 2010

A School Fundraiser Worth Sharing

Savannah Morning News, Savannah, GA · Sep 24, 2010

Upcycling Waste through TerraCycle

Merida Home · Sep 24, 2010

Back to School Check-up ~ Terracycle Review and Giveway

Home Grown Families · Sep 24, 2010

Ready for another Terracycle Giveaway?

Tonya’s Sewing Room · Sep 23, 2010

Schoolkids learn recycling by doing

Baltimore Sun Online - B'More Green Blog · Sep 22, 2010

Drink pouches: 50 million and counting

Philly.com (online home of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News) · Sep 21, 2010