TerraCycle in der Presse

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TerraCycle Natural All Purpose Cleaner

Oooh….we LOVE this product! We can spray it anywhere, including sealed granite countertops, tile floors, bath fixtures, and doors and it works just great on all of them. The “eco-friendly packaging” actually is pretty cute: the product comes in an old … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Parent Wise Austin · Dez 19, 2010

Schoolwide recycling

Arrowhead Elementary School students are reducing their carbon footprint through a recycling project done in conjunction with New Jersey-based recycling company TerraCycle. As part of the program, fifth-graders in Brigit DiPrimo’s class have set up bins around the school to … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Newsday · Dez 19, 2010

TerraCycle Turns Waste into Useful Eco-Products, Donates to Charity

Playing into the established “reuse is better than recycle” eco-sensibility, TerraCycle takes trash and transforms it into useful eco-products. TerraCycle runs a series of free national brigades, inviting people to send their garbage in exchange for cash to be donated … Lies den ganzen Artikel

BigThink.com · Dez 18, 2010