TerraCycle in der Presse

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Food and Beverage Packaging Industry Expected to Continue Green Efforts in 2011

For those not familiar with “Terracycle”, it is one of many organizations that work to create useful items out of waste products. “Terracycle”, in conjunction with both consumers and people from within the food and beverage industry, collects empty and … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Associated Content · Jan 4, 2011

the end of garbage?!

i have heard of terracycle before – who hasn’t seen those cute little pop art totes and pouches they make out of recycled juice pouches and gum wrappers? but i have only recently become aware of the business as a … Lies den ganzen Artikel

epicdialogue.com · Jan 4, 2011

Tom Szaky

Founder and CEO of TerraCycle, Tom Szaky has been collecting and upcycling refuse since childhood, starting with discarded TVs and computer monitors.   “Even at a very young age, the excess and waste I saw surprised and intrigued me.” Inspired by … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Huffington Post · Jan 4, 2011