TerraCycle in der Presse

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TerraCycle Program Expanded

Trash to Treasure partners with the Broward College and TerraCycle  to collect nontraditional items for reuse and recycling.  TerraCycle pays for these materials and Broward College uses the revenue to fund the Michelle Lawless Scholarship which provides tuition for a … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Trash to Treasure blog · Jan 23, 2011

Students honored for participation in recycling program

Wetumpka Elementary School received the America’s Best Brigade Award 2010 from TerraCycle for being one of the top 100 collecting schools in TerraCycle’s Drink Pouch Brigade. The local effort helped TerraCycle reach the milestone of 50 million pouches collected and … Lies den ganzen Artikel

The Wetumpka Herald online · Jan 21, 2011

Here on Earth – Blog Without Borders

  Jean’s Pick of the Week (watch video): Upcycling, Recycling, and “There’s gold in them there landfills!”: I had a ball today connecting with garbage wizard Tom Szaky, CEO of Terracycle, one of the most innovative green businesses in the … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Here On Earth blog · Jan 21, 2011

Northville Mom Makes A Difference

Northville.Patch.com · Jan 19, 2011

How Much Is Too Much?

Greenwala.com · Jan 19, 2011

Charge of recycling brigade

Times Union Online · Jan 18, 2011

Issaquah elementary schools earn King County eco honor

Issaquah Press online · Jan 18, 2011

More Ways To Recycle

The Green Phone Booth blog · Jan 18, 2011

TerraCycle Drink Pouch Production

Green-Life-Magazine.com · Jan 17, 2011