TerraCycle in der Presse

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Fertilize Orchids Weakly, Weekly

  A common way to fertilize container gardens in general, and orchids in particular, is to follow the maxim “weakly, weekly.” This means to fertilize them at a weaker strength than recommended on the package, on a weekly basis. A … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Life on the Balcony · Feb 17, 2011

Lighthouse Named By International Recycling Company As Nation’s Top Drink Pouch Recycler

The dedicated collection of the used drink pouches has earned the school a place in the top 100 collecting schools of TerraCycle’s Drink Pouch Brigade. This is a program that has helped the recycling company reach the milestone of 50 … Lies den ganzen Artikel

The Bay Voice · Feb 16, 2011

Things You Didn’t Know You Could Recycle

Potato Chip Bags and drink pouches: TerraCycle operates around the world and turns otherwise unrecyclable goods into useable products such as fence made from drink pouches, recycling bins from recycled plastics (very clever), Starburst Insulated Coolers made from candy wrappers … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Articlesbase.com · Feb 15, 2011