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Terracycle Back2School Giveaway

There are lots of easy ways to get your green on this back-to-school season. Reuse what’s leftover from last school year first. Check out resale shops and yard sales. Do a clothing and school supply swap with friends, neighbors and … Lies den ganzen Artikel

EcoSizeMe.com · Aug 16, 2010

Terracycle Review and Giveaway

Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  is a company that is dedicated to recycling everyday products – like candy wrappers, aveeno bottles, Cellphones and more.  And to top it off, for every item sent in, they donate money per unit of waste to charity. … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Mis Savings · Aug 16, 2010

Last, but not least:

* HBO’s “Temple Grandin” (Claire Danes) is out on DVD tomorrow; “Less Than Perfect: Season One” (Sara Rue) is out (on DVD) Sept. 7 . . . Airing Aug. 21: Nat Geo marathons “Garbage Moguls,” which focuses on eco-friendly manufacturer … Lies den ganzen Artikel

NYPost.com · Aug 16, 2010

Tag — they’re it

Trenton Times · Aug 16, 2010

Terracycle Back2School Giveaway

before its news · Aug 15, 2010

A different kind of giveaway

Tonya’s Sewing Room · Aug 14, 2010

Back-to-School TerraCycle Giveaway

Gulf Coast Moms Like Me · Aug 14, 2010

Ecowise 8920101

WFMJ-TV News · Aug 14, 2010

School turns empty drink containers into cool profit

Lake County News Sun · Aug 14, 2010