TerraCycle in der Presse

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Garbage Moguls TV Show!!! TerraCycle

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TerraCycle.  I can talk anyone’s ear off about TerraCycle!  I am looking forward to this show: Saturday, August 21, starting at 7pm-my DVR is already ready to record, I will probably also be watching it live!!!  … Lies den ganzen Artikel

My Milwaukee Mommy · Aug 19, 2010

Garbage Moguls: Turning Trash into Treasured Television

By Sam Brand  | Friday, August 20, 2010 5:45 AM ET Back for season two, National Geographic channel’s “Garbage Moguls” aims to do more than just turn doggy junk into doggy toys. TerraCycle wants to “upcycle” your mind. One man’s … Lies den ganzen Artikel

Tonic · Aug 19, 2010

Encouraging each other in the area of green

Earlier this summer, I can across a fun and important blog, Girly Green Girl <http://www.girlygreengirl.com/2010/08/theyre-heeeeeeere.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GirlyGreenGirl+%28Girly+Green+Girl%29> .  She’s so officially green, she has business cards stating so!  Along with being jealous of her very cool blog and her being young enough … Lies den ganzen Artikel

The Art of Losing Myself · Aug 19, 2010

Green Television Shows Educate and Entertain

Associated Content · Aug 19, 2010

Win-It Wednesday: TerraCycle Back-To-School Prize Pack!

---historical reference--- · Aug 19, 2010

Review & Giveaway: TerraCycle

Confessions of a psychotic housewife · Aug 19, 2010

TerraCycle has their own reality TV show!

Ramblings of a Marine Wife · Aug 19, 2010

TerraCycle’s “Trashy” New Reality Show

Going Green Crafters and Artists · Aug 19, 2010

TerraCycle Review and Giveaway

The Thrifty Things · Aug 19, 2010