TCCommercial Recycling Logo Regular

Commercial recycling solutions

TerraCycle Commercial Recycling partners with facilities around the world to recycle large and small quantities of hard-to-recycle waste—items not typically accepted by local recycling services—such as mixed plastics, PPE, and regulated waste.

Reach your waste management goals

TerraCycle can help you reach your zero-waste-to-landfill and incineration goals at your manufacturing/production facility, distribution center, or warehouse.

Large-scale recycling

We recycle large volumes of hard-to-recycle industrial waste and smaller volumes of mixed waste that aren’t accepted by your property’s waste management service. We offer recycling for 400+ hard-to-recycle waste streams, including: manufacturing scrap (such as mixed rigid and flexible plastic), personal protective equipment/PPE (disposable gloves, hair nets, and more), expired or off-spec products, and excess inventory (including filled products).

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Universal waste recycling

Recycle regulated, universal, and hazardous waste with us. Our solutions cover fluorescent lamps, bulbs, batteries, aerosols, PPE, and e-waste, as well as organic waste, medical waste, and other potentially harmful waste streams.

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