In this photo from Life Magazine in 1955, a family celebrates the dawn of “Throwaway Living“.

We used to live in a circular world

Up until the 1950s, we lived in a world where we consumed less. Our packaging was refillable, and we repaired our durable items. We had the milkman deliver milk, we darned our socks, mended our clothing, cobbled our shoes, and repaired our furniture. Disposable products and packaging were nowhere to be found.

The introduction of plastics, coupled with the ability to industrially manufacture products, quickly led to an increase in cheap, disposable goods in the ‘50s. We began buying—and throwing away—more than ever.

We haven’t stopped consuming at an unsustainable pace. In fact, we’ve only increased our consumption. If we could revert back to the times of reuse and repair with the same level of convenience, we can accelerate the move to a circular economy and protect our planet—and every living thing on it—for future generations.

We launched Loop in 2019 to create a global platform for reuse where manufacturers could develop reusable versions of their products that could be sold through major retailers with the same convenience as the current disposable versions.

Our goal is to make reuse as convenient as disposability for consumers, manufacturers, and retailers. Loop enables any product, from laundry detergent to vitamins, to be packaged in a reusable container, sold at any participating store, and then returned to any participating store.

Your favorite products—now in reusable packaging

Find Loop at these leading retailers around the world

Carrefour (France)

Find Loop at these leading retailers around the world

Monoprix (France)

Find Loop at these leading retailers around the world

AEON (Japan)

Loop on the world stage

Loop on the world stage

The Loop Alliance, launched at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019 in Davos, aims to establish a new model of consumption that ends society’s dependence on disposability and eliminates the idea of waste.

We participate in working groups to help define standards and shape policy recommendations around reuse via involvement with CSA Group in Canada, PR3 in the US, submitting our commentary to the US Federal Trade Commission Green Guides, advising on New Jersey (where we are headquartered) legislation on reuse, and more.

We’re engaged with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to accelerate reuse. We’ve coauthored articles and supported the development of three community papers on reuse. Tom Szaky, CEO and founder of TerraCycle and Loop, co-chaired the Consumers Beyond Waste working group, a multi-stakeholder coalition to accelerate reuse.

TerraCycle/Loop was invited by US Senator Jeff Merkley's office to provide public testimony at a subcommittee hearing on "Solutions for Single-Use Waste: Expanding Refill and Reuse Infrastructure.”

We’ve collaborated closely with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) to advance reuse adoption for over a decade. Loop is listed on EMF's Circular Startup Index, highlighting startups bringing the circular economy to life.

We are part of the Ocean Plastics Leadership Network’s (OPLN) Reuse Refill Action Forum advisory board. The focus of the initiative is to implement reuse at scale in the US market.

The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) is developing a Global Plastics Treaty. TerraCycle/Loop were early signatories and founding members of the Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty, and TerraCycle sent a delegation to participate in the INC-2 Treaty negotiations and will be attending INC-3 round of negotiations.

We’re advancing reuse in partnership with local and national government in Japan. And Loop has been officially recognized by the Ministry of Environment of Japan as an initiative contributing to the nation’s goal of Decarbonization of Society with the objective of full carbon neutrality by 2050.

Loop was selected by the Japanese government to be highlighted in a special display at the G7 Summit.

Our work has a positive impact on people and the planet. But we go even further.

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